Yes, folks, it's that time of the year! FINALS. The week teachers decided to put crazy hard exams into one entire week as a last stand before us students go off to go rot our brains in the summer goodness. :)
I'm going to be studying my butt off, READING (most of the time, mainly because I need to catch up for the blog), watching some anime (I've been long overdue for that stuff!), and just relax. I've been meaning to take a break, and I'll be back sometime the week after next week.
Well, I'm not really leaving, but I'm just going to be posting a lot less for the rest of this week and next.
Aaaand, if you're wondering what I'll be doing, it'll be a mixture of this:
Or...well you can just look at my tweets too, to get a better idea. :) Feel free to talk to me too! I'm going to be dying of boredom from all of this studying.
I'll miss you, lovelies! <3