Book: Blood Promise by Richelle Mead
Pages: 503
Source: Bought with my own money
Rating: 4.5 (4 and 1/2) Stars
Spoiler Free: No
Rose Hathaway's life will never be the same.
The recent attack on St. Vladimir's Academy devastated the entire Moroi world. Many are dead. And, for the few victims carried off by Strigoi, their fates are even worse. A rare tattoo now adorns Rose's neck, a mark that says she's killed far too many Strigoi to count. But only one victim matters . . . Dimitri Belikov. Rose must now choose one of two very different paths: honoring her life's vow to protect Lissa—her best friend and the last surviving Dragomir princess—or, dropping out of the Academy to strike out on her own and hunt down the man she loves. She'll have to go to the ends of the earth to find Dimitri and keep the promise he begged her to make. But the question is, when the time comes, will he want to be saved?
Now, with everything at stake—and worlds away from St. Vladimir's and her unguarded, vulnerable, and newly rebellious best friend—can Rose find the strength to destroy Dimitri? Or, will she sacrifice herself for a chance at eternal love?
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After finishing this book, I dare say, the first 300 pages could have been summarized in about 150-200 pages. It drabbled on for chapters and chapters about Rose and her journey to overcome any lingering feelings and hesitation for Dimitri, who's now a full-fledged Strigoi. I don't believe anything is wrong with that though. It's actually a key element in the story, I believe, but it would have been better if it just didn't drag on and on.
Cover Thoughts: I love it! The girl in the picture is so pretty, and I love the way her face and neck is angled.
Recommendations: You should most definitely read this book if you have just finished SK (3rd VA book), or if you haven't read the series yet, go check it out! The VA series are awesome sauce. Speaking of which, come check out my spoiler free review on the first book, Vampire Academy.
When can I get it? It's been out for a while, and it's currently in both paperback and hardcover form.
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