Book: Falling Under by Gwen Hayes
Pages: 324
Source: Bought
Spoiler Free: Yes
Theia Alderson has always led a sheltered life in the small California town of Serendipity Falls. But when a devastatingly handsome boy appears in the halls of her school, Theia knows she's seen Haden before- not around town, but in her dreams.
As the Haden of both the night and the day beckons her closer one moment and pushes her away the next, the only thing Theia knows for sure is that the incredible pull she feels towards him is stronger than her fear.
And when she discovers what Haden truly is, Theia's not sure if she wants to resist him, even if the cost is her soul.
Falling Under drew me in from the moment I saw its enticing cover and read its intriguing summary. Did it disappoint? Yeeahhh--- no. It was hella awesome. I really wish I had gotten to this book sooner. I put it off (perhaps a month or so) ever since I bought it and I regret doing so! Where do I start with this review? I'm finding it a bit hard to express how I felt about this book.
Well, let's start with the characters.
Theia is a so-so character for me. She's practically the epitome of innocence and naivety. She was raised in a "sheltered life", thanks to her father, leaving her little to taste as to what life's dangers and joys truly are. I love how she's so innocent, yet I cringe with annoyance when she makes really dumb decisions. Then again, it's not really her fault.
I love Haden. My heart breaks and aches for him! I really hate how these boys don't exist in real life *sigh* He's not really a badass, like most boys nowadays, but he just has this sweet, adorable quality with a razor sharp edge to it. I especially lovelovelove the way Gwen describes him and his cute little outfits both in Theia's dreams and in real life.
The plot was a bit Twilight, Alice in Wonderland reminiscent. Predictable, yet totally quirky and fun. I love all the twists in this book, as well as the Haden and Theia encounters. The electricity and tension between them just bounces off the pages, which only made my heart beat just slightly faster.
One of my favorite things in this book was the world of Under. I'm a sucker for anything like new worlds ranging from the Nevernever (The Iron Fey trilogy) to mythology galore (The Mephisto Covenant, for one). The way Gwen describes Under is just... amazing. Under is kind of like Wonderland but with a gothic feel. I enjoyed all the descriptions of its ghoulish inhabitants to the landscape itself.
The ending was solid, not a gigantic cliff hanger, but it leaves room for a sequel (which there will be! Dreaming Awake comes out in January 2012)
In all, Falling Under intoxicated me with the world of Under with Gwen's smooth prose and her loveable characters. This book was definitely a page turner, and I can't wait to find out what happens to Haden and Theia!
Would I recommend this? YES! This book was so addicting! I'm definitely going to read its sequel, Dreaming Awake.
5 lovelies:
I loved this book too and am looking forward to Dreaming Awake. Under also sort of reminded me of a Nightmare Before Christmas, especially the way some of the "people" down there were described.
Great review! I look forward to reading this book sometime soon.
Tia @ Falling For Books
@Jessie: Now that you say it.. it does remind me of Nightmare before Christmas! :o I now have a different image of Under perceived in my mind...
@Tia: Aww shmanks! You should get it ASAP! It's reeeeal good!
Great review! I'm looking forward to reading this even more now :-)
New follower!
@Safari Poet: Thanks ^//^ It's really a great read, you should read it ASAP!
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