Publisher: Harlequin TEEN
Pages: 384
Source: Netgalley
Links: Goodreads | Amazon
So wrong for each other...and yet so right.
No one knows what happened the night Echo Emerson went from popular girl with jock boyfriend to gossiped-about outsider with "freaky" scars on her arms. Even Echo can't remember the whole truth of that horrible night. All she knows is that she wants everything to go back to normal. But when Noah Hutchins, the smoking-hot, girl-using loner in the black leather jacket, explodes into her life with his tough attitude and surprising understanding, Echo's world shifts in ways she could never have imagined. They should have nothing in common. And with the secrets they both keep, being together is pretty much impossible. Yet the crazy attraction between them refuses to go away. And Echo has to ask herself just how far they can push the limits and what she'll risk for the one guy who might teach her how to love again.
GOSH. This book is SO deceiving. Do NOT be deceived, guys. It may seem utterly boring and completely cliche, but it is FAR from that and it is ah-maziiing!
Um, EVERYTHING? Of course if I just said that, then this review wouldn't really be a review, now would it? SO, let's start off with the story itself.- Personally, I totally thought this was going to be a really cliche story with a girl who got abused and boy comes in to save the day. Hint: IT WASN'T. **
- The BIG mystery: what the heck happened to Echo? I loved how it was a bit hard to figure out and the answer to the mystery itself was rather shocking!
- What was also a really great aspect of this book is that there's some pretty dark, edgy topics that are touched upon in this novel, and to see Noah and Echo overcome all their trials separately and together was so great. It was emotionally touching, just as it was riveting.
- I'm actually beginning to enjoy dual point of views.
- I got to see what Echo felt when she was emotionally distraught from the real truth, understand how Noah felt when he was with Echo, and it was really great to grasp their thoughts and what makes them tick.
- Now, what really makes this book shine is the ROMANCE and the two characters stuck in the middle of it.
- I really liked how the tension between Noah and Echo gradually builds up, and explodes with a burning inferno. There's so many small yet electrically charged moments between these two I just felt like my heart was going to explode from swooning! McGarry does not disappoint on delivering!
- Noah and Echo? I loved them both together, and each as an individual!
- First off, NOAH. Dude, this guy is one of the most swoon worthy men I have ever had a chance to read about. Fiercely loyal and protective, charming and seductive, this guy has it all! Did I mention that he's really really hot too? SCORE.
- YAY for Echo! Ahhhh, I really really liked this girl. She didn't make it to one of my all time favorites, but she had an awesome personality and was really strong which is a PLUS.
Do yourself a favor, and just read Pushing the Limits when you get a chance to. The words in my review does not do this book any justice on how utterly beautiful yet emotionally raw this story is.
OH WAIT. Pushing the Limits doesn't come out till near the end of this month... Poop. Well, I have some GREAT recommendations for you to check out:- In for something equally steamy, engaging, with a HOT male lead except on the paranormal side? Read Sweet Evil by Wendy Higgins. (It's one of the BEST romances I've read by far.)
- In the mood for something more contemporary and light hearted with a few sexy times thrown in? Read The Duff by Kody Keplinger.

16 lovelies:
I read Pushing the Limits a while ago and I also LOVED it! I have Sweet Evil on my Kindle, so maybe I'll read that since I LOVED Pushing the Limits, but I actually really hated The Duff because it was so cheesy in the end for me. Thank you for the review, I also fell in love with Noah and Echo's relationship and Noah himself!
Eileen @ ***Singing and Reading in the Rain***
Ahaha, so true! This book was so great! And it wasn't even just the romance - there was way more going on here that I was actually INTERESTED in. And it was so heartwrenching and moving.
Right?! This book made me go, "ASDFDJHLGLSDG WHY IS THIS HAPPENING" and of course, "*Swoon*" too :P <3
I want to read Pushing the Limits so bad! Glad to know that it's not just another cliche story about an abused girl and got a little bit more info about the story so thanks!
I THINK I'M IN LOVE WITH THIS REVIEW. No, I KNOW I'm in love with this review!!! I love how you always find some amazing and fun way to spill your thoughts without the standard paragraph review -- because even though I've read a gazillion of them telling me to read this book, somehow yours has this renewed epic impact! :') I love dual POVs too, especially if they're from a boy like Noahhhh <3
AMAZING review, Gee! You and your five shiny Mario stars and the most adorable Nyan Cat cursor ever have got me clicking to buy this! :') <3
If anything at all, it's NOT just another cliche story. ;D And no problem!
<333 Aww, thanks Mimi! It really means a lot coming from you. :') And ahhh, dual POVs are AWESOME. I love getting to see from the perspective of a boy (and a HOT one at that! ;D)
Eeeek, thank you thank you! :D Nyan cat for the win! x) I hope you enjoy this when you get the chance to read it! :D
I'm glad to hear that this wasn't a cliche story! I have to admit, that's what I initially expected when I saw this book. But since then, I've read a TON of reviews from bloggers who really, really liked this book. I've finally caved and put it on my to-read list! Lol.
Right? I totally thought that too! I was just reading it at first just to sate my romance hunger, but it was actually a very VERY pleasant surprise. :) And yay! I hope you enjoy it when you get a chance!! :)
That was a great review for this book. I have heard nothing but praise on this so far and I can't wait to dive into the copy I have. I'm so glad that this was different from every other run of the mill story of its kind.
Thanks for the awesome review. I have already read Sweet Evil and didn't really care for it but I shall have to give The DUFF a try especially since I have enjoyed one of Kody's books before. :)
There's so much to love about this book, so I'm glad you too enjoyed it. Great review!
Gianna, I frikkin' LOVED this review!!!! <3 How on earth do you make them so fun to read? I'm so glad I found your blog - I don't want to miss any more of your FANTASTIC reviews!
I'm currently reading this and I NEED to find out what happened to Echo!!! It's so tense... And the romance between her and Noah is so amazing - I think it's the little moments that make my heart flutter and I can't wait to see their relationship grow :') I like the dual POVs too, I love reading both of their thoughts :D And ohmigosh, Noah <3333 I ADORE that boy, not only because he's hot, but like you said, he's so fiercely loyal and the way he loves his brothers is so heartbreaking :')
Sorry for the long comment, Gianna! Thanks for the amazing review, if I wasn't reading it already, you would have convinced me 100%!
I was very curious to know what you thought about this book. I mean, I read you declaring your love for it on twitter, but I was really eager to hear the details o you can imagine how happy I was that you'd already written a review! And oh, boy. Just know that I'm thinking of starting it this evening (don't I always say that? gosh, i need to go back to my reading-self orz). If there's something I really enjoy in books is the love story, and this seems to have all the points <3
:D It was really well written. And yay! The Duff is one of my faves, I finished it in a day~
:D Thank you! :D
Gaaahh, Beverley, why you so nice?! We should totally talk on Twitter! :D
Eeeekkk, you are?! PREPARE TO SWOON SO HARD EVEN MORE! <3 Especially over Noah. c: <3 Gaaahhh, isn't it so sweet with his brotherly love for his siblings? :c It breaks my heart at the same time from the whole situation and all, but makes me love Noah even more.
And ahhh, no I love long comments! :D And awww, thank you so much! (:
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